Who we are/what we do

Every Kid in Our Communities (EKIOC) has a common agenda to build a community in which every child and youth is safe, healthy, valued and lives in a family and neighborhood where: all babies have the best start possible; all children and youth are cared for and safe; all children are ready for school; all children and youth are successful at school; all children and youth are practicing safe and healthy behaviors; and all youth are making successful transitions to adulthood. EKIOC operates the framework of Developmental Assets from the Search Institute. By nurturing the assets of every child, EKIOC plays a stewardship role, and facilitates cooperative planning to ensure the optimal use of resources for the benefit of our children, their families, and our communities. EKIOC works towards collaborative public action that will result in measurable change in the root conditions impacting the wellbeing of children and their caregivers. It offers no direct services but instead fosters collaboration between members so they can align their services into an integrated delivery of services for all. EKIOC works within a collective impact model. Collective impact is a network of community members, organizations and institutions that advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems-level change.
The EKIOC Lead Table is responsible to the communities of Leeds and Grenville, parents, children, and youth. The Lead Table reports to the community and to the Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services.
The common agenda of EKIOC is realized through several action-oriented work groups, designated to focus on priority areas which change from time to time depending on the research and data related to goals of EKIOC. All work groups act in accordance with their terms of reference (see attached template). The report to and are accountable to the Lead Table. Work Groups include:
- Triple P
- Early Years Service Providers
- Joint Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Data and Research
- Wellness and Resilience
- French Language Services
- Developmental Assets