Staying Healthy
Physical health
- Ottawa doctor pens nursery rhyme to teach proper handwashing
- COVID-19 self-assessment: If you think you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.
- Canadian Government Covid 19 UP TO DATE INFORMATION
- Ontario Government Covid 19 UP TO DATE INFORMATION
Emotional/mental Health
HOW TO: Make a Referral to Addictions and Mental Health Services

- Student/Parent Mental Health Resources
- School Mental Health Ontario: How to support student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
- School Mental Health Ontario: Personal Resiliency Tips for Helpers Who Support Students
- Children’s Mental Health Ontario: Talking to Anxious Kids About COVID19
- Psychology Today: Talking to Kids About COVID19 (by age group)
- Canadian Mental Health Association: FAQ on COVID19 Related to Stress and Anxiety
- The Lifespeak Blog: How to Manage Anxiety During the COVID19 Outbreak – Q&A with a Clinical Psychologist
- World Health Organization: Helping Children Cope with Stress
- World Health Organization: Parenting Tips During COVID19
- Sources of Strength: Sources of Strength COVID19 Wellness Plan
- Ontario Ministry of Health: Talking to Children About the Pandemic
- Mindheart: Child Friendly COVID19 Fact Sheet
- Psychology Tools: Living with worry and anxiety amidst global uncertainty
- Bay Psychology: Tolerance for Uncertainty – A COVID-19 Workbook
Good Talk: confidential support services for post-secondary students
Children and Youth
- Helping Kids Cope With Stress -see CMHLG Facebook page
- EMOTIONAL & WELLNESS -contact list updated regularly by VSLG
- Dealing with anxiety and alarm about Covid 19 The COVID-19 pandemic is a very difficult and confusing time for all of us, including children and adolescents. Some young people might not understand the reasons for school closures and other cancellations. Others are being bombarded with (not always credible) information through social media and their friends. Likely all children are feeling, to some degree, anxiety and alarm. They may sense worry from their parents, and begin to grow concerned about their own health or the health of their loved ones.
- Talking to children about COVID-19 and its impact
- How to support student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic -School Mental Health Ontario
- Mental Health and the Covid-19 Pandemic -CAMH
- A COVID-19 Mental Health Resource Hub, a Canadian, easy-to-access education, tools, support and the reliable information all in one place
- 5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus
- BounceBack designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, stress and worry.
- Need to talk to someone? Call CMHLG (1.800.809.2494) during weekday hours and Kids Help Line (211) for weekends or after hours
- Things can kind of “go off the rails”. Some helps if they do.