Leeds and Grenville Poverty Reduction Alliance
The Poverty Reduction Alliance defines poverty as …”the condition of human beings who lack resources, means, choices and power necessary to acquire and maintain economic self-sufficiency and meaningful participation in society.”
Our recently adopted mission, vision and values are as follows:
The Leeds Grenville Poverty Reduction Alliance addresses the roots and impacts of poverty through a community-driven common agenda and action plan.
All residents of Leeds Grenville will have the resources, means, choices and power necessary to acquire and maintain economic self-sufficiency and meaningful participation in society.
- Respectful and inclusive participation
- Diverse perspectives
- Community assets and experiences
- Shared measurement and resources
- Transparent processes
There are ongoing actions across our Counties to support our citizens to move out of poverty. Connect with the Alliance at lgpovertyreductionalliance@gmail.com to tell us about your informal or informal poverty reduction initiatives.
Initiatives Identified To Date
Employment Ontario Employment Services –
Get training, build skills or find a job through Ontario’s official employment and training network.
Initiative Contacts:
- Trish McNamara at KEYS Gan trishm@keys.ca
- Julie Marshall at CSE Consulting in Prescott and Kemptville julie@cseconsulting.com
- Cecilia Clapson-Anderson at Employment and Education Centre in Brockville cecilia@eecentre.com
EKIOC Transportation Working Group
This is a group of people representing Leeds and Grenville who are invested in defining the transportation needs of our area and then seeking solutions. Initiative Contact: Sue Watts susan@eecentre.com
Triple P
Parenting our children is a challenging task. Triple P provides any parents with the support and strategies they often seek. At present there is no research directly linking Triple P to any increase in income of parents. Using the above definition of Poverty Reduction it could be argued that Triple P serves to reduce barriers to productive employment and meaningful participation in society of parents that can result from parenting difficulties. The positive outcomes for children resulting from being brought up by parents who feel confident and supported by their community allows them to move into a future where they are better prepared to be economically self-sufficient and to meaningfully participate in their communities.
Initiative Contact: Triple P Coordinator triplep@healthunit.org
Youth In Transition Worker
Funded by Ministry of Children Youth Services and delivered by EEC, this program is designed to assisting youth leaving care in accessing and connecting with existing community services, housing, health, employment and educational options to help with successful transitioning to adulthood
Initiative Contact: Victoria Robertson: victoria@eecentre.com
Volunteer Centre St. Lawrence-Rideau Community Volunteer Income Tax Program & Financial Literacy
Since 1987, the Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence-Rideau has been assisting residents living on a low-income to file taxes with the support of approximately 25 volunteers. Annually, the volunteers assist in completing 2500-3000 tax returns. This work has resulted in an estimated $4.5 million in tax refunds, plus millions more in transfer payments back to the clients. These free tax clinics are an important strategy for reducing poverty in Leeds and Grenville. By increasing income security for families and individuals, they are increasing residents’ ability to afford healthy food, rent and other basic necessities; thereby contributing to improved mental well-being by reducing poverty-related stressors.
A recent evaluation of Leeds and Grenville tax clinics revealed an opportunity to provide resources and skills to clients receiving tax refunds resulting in informed decision-making about their financial well-being. In September 2020, the Volunteer Centre began scaling their efforts by introducing a Financial Literacy and Empowerment Program. Participants access volunteer-delivered workshops gaining knowledge and support to develop healthy financial behaviours. Participants learn about savings and debt, consumerism, budgeting, income tax, Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), the Canada Learning Bond and, how to set SMART goals. Poverty will not be eliminated by income alone, but these poverty reduction initiatives and community-level collaborations have the opportunity to put millions of dollars into the pockets of families and individuals and consequently back into the local economy.
Initiative contact: Email mvilleneuve@volunteercentre.ca or call (613) 499 -9393 ext. 20