2022 – 2023 Priorities
Priority Updates as of September 2012
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3: A Shared Plan To Increase Collaboration -initial focus on largest sector, Education
Past versions:
- Powerpoint -February Lead Table Presentation Collaboration Priority Briefing to Lead Table 1202
- 12-01-31 collab plan framework
- 1901 framework
From September Strategic Planning Record EKIOC priority 3 collab with ed
Resources that may be of interest
collab for child welfare pt1 collab for child welfare pt2 This is an article about the positive impact of collaboration between education and community agencies on children served by Child Welfare agencies. It is instructive as to the factors impinging on quality of collaboration in a community. Strikes me that what it says first is that there has to be an agreed to reason to collaborate and a true sense that collaboration will get better results than are presently experienced…and results for education are first measured by academic performance of students.
Excerpt from an ed document on quality schools why ed admin involved in collaboration
Community collaboration -Ontario research